Board of Directors

Board of Directors

The Community Association is governed by a 5 member board of directors elected by the members of the association at the annual meeting. The board is in charge of leading and carrying out the operations of the association.

Dustin Styles, President

5.03 President

The President shall serve as the presiding officer of the Board of Directors. The President will serve as the official spokesperson of the Corporation. The President shall exercise the executive power of the Corporation as authorized by the Board of Directors. The President may assume additional duties as delegated by the Board.

Sonya Cantrell, Vice President

5.04 Vice President

The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in the event of the President’s absence or disability. The Vice President may assume additional duties as delegated by the Board.

Amanda Paris, Treasurer

5.05 Treasurer

The Treasurer shall serve as the custodian of the Corporation’s financial accounts and records. The Treasure will keep accurately reconciled financial records subject to viewing any time by the public or the Board. The Treasurer may assume additional duties as delegated by the Board.

Vassar Livingood, Recording Secretary

5.06 Recording Secretary

The Recording Secretary shall keep or cause to be kept a record of the minutes and actions of the Board of Directors and its committees. Such records shall include time and location of the meeting, actions taken at such meetings, and any other item considered necessary for the legal operation of the Corporation. The Recording Secretary shall provide all necessary notice of meetings. The Recording Secretary may assume additional duties as delegated by the Board.

Sally Wallace, Communications Secretary

Sally Batson was born and raised in Travelers Rest. She has worked in Greenville County Schools for 20 years, and this is her first official foray into local politics. Her family has been associated with this area for generations. She looks forward to serving the community as the Communications Secretary.

5.07 Communications Secretary 

The Communications Secretary shall manage all social media accounts, the webpage, and produce all official correspondence as required. The Communications Secretary may assume additional duties as delegated by the Board.

Deb Gravely, Membership Coordinator

5.08 Membership Coordinator

The Membership Coordinator shall work with other officers to promote the engagement of the Corporation’s members. Furthermore, the Membership Coordinator Shall serve as the Elections Manger of the Annual Meeting, and as such should not be subject to a reelection during his/her tenure as Membership Coordinator. The Membership Coordinator may assume additional duties as delegated by the Board.

Shane Walton, Volunteer Coordinator

5.09 Volunteer Coordinator

The Volunteer Coordinator shall work with the other officers and committees to recruit volunteers to carry out the operations of the Corporation, conduct background checks as required, and maintain a database of volunteer information. The Volunteer Coordinator may assume additional duties as delegated by the Board.